Humpday linkday

I know Wednesday is usually “hump” day, but today it’s link day! (On account of there being a lot of interesting links going around my various friend-feeds today…)


There are several good slushreader posts out there, but here’s one from recently.

Although it makes me sad to hear that cannibalism is an overdone subject, because I like writing about cannibals. … I’m not kidding. Sort of. I mean, it does seem to turn up a lot in my stories.


A sane, non-expletive filled post on why a certain comic book pose for superhero women is utterly silly.

Also, followup post is good.


In a similar vein, with added hilarity, author Jim C. Hines attempts to mimic some poses used on his and other book covers.

(As an artist, I understand exaggeration for effect, but I do find some poses just plain overused and dumb, and some are so in-your-face-sexual that they become not sexy at all.)